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Eight Things To Talk About Today For 4/15/08
Eight Things To Talk About Today For 4/15/08
1: Delta + Northwest = world's largest airline all the regulatory hurdles have yet to even be addressed, the management sides of Delta Airlines and Northwest Airlines have agreed on the merger of their two companies, in hopes to create the countriies largest airline.
2: Gawker Spins Off Wonkette, Gridskipper and Idolator world of Web 2.0 may be ready to crumble. Again. Maybe. Gawker Media is spinning off three of its popular blogs for fear it can not keep the site up with ad sells.
3: U.S. to give $200M in food aid White House has authorized a $200 million food package to address needs in Africa and elsewhere.
4: Study: Boomers to Flood Medical System new report from Institute of Medicine, an arm of the National Academy of Sciences, said health care outlook is looking bleak for the 78 million baby boomers about to begin turning 65. The report begins by stating that aren't enough specialists in geriatric medicine, and the ones they have are under trained and underpaid.
5: Floridians can now keep guns locked in cars at work, mall's official. Florida Governor Charlie Crist has signed legislation earlier today that come July 1, employers and business cannot prohibit firearms in vehicles on their property if the owner is licensed to carry a concealed weapon.
6: Pope arrives to begin U.S. Visit mania...catch it! Pope Benedict XVI has arrived for his 6 day stay in the States, and before he even put a foot on the ground, the pontiff said on his flight from Italy to Washington that he was "deeply ashamed" of the sexual abuse scandal involving priests in our country.
7: Tax deadline is here,1,7158716.storyOh yeah. Its tax day. Federal and most state returns and payments are due by midnight tonight.
8: Report: Ex-owner will sue to get Sonics back he was misled by new owner Clay Bennett, former SuperSonics owner Howard Schultz is not only going to fix Starbucks, but also try to keep the NBA team from moving from Seattle to Oklahoma City.

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Eight Things To Talk About Today For 4/14/08
Eight Things To Talk About Today (in no particular order)
1: 'Bitter' remarks cloud faith, values forum,0,2285777.storySenators Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama faced off on Sunday night in a televised forum on faith and values, but most of the conversation turned to Obama's comments calling small-town voters "bitter," and Clinton's immediate attack calling Obama "elitist."
2: Katie Couric, Larry King, CBS And CNN Do a Dance Of Deceit Wall Street Journal has reported that Katie Couric wants out of her contract at CBS after the elections to get a chance to replace Larry King on CNN. Further rumors hint of a basic swap between the two networks, with CBS replacing Couric with CNN top star Anderson Cooper.
3: Buster busted: The 'oldest London Marathon runner' isn't 101... he's ONLY 94 were all impressed when we heard the news of "Buster" Martin, his 10 hour London marathon performance, his four smoke & beer breaks, and his claim to be the oldest man to complete a marathon at 101. Turns out Buster told a bit of a fib, and is only 94. We're all crushed.
4: Malt-O-Meal Cereal Linked to Salmonella Strain, Reports of Sicknesses Hit 14 States the press release, Malt-O-Meal voluntarily recalled their unsweetened Puffed Rice and Puffed Wheat cereals after being linked to at least 23 reported cases of salmonella poisoning. The nearly two dozen cases have been spread across 14 states with Maine, New Jersey and New York reporting the most with three each.
5: What People Earn: How Does Your Salary Stack Up? the annual rack'em and stack'em list from Parade Magazine, the highest-paid person on the list is 52-year-old hedge fund manager John Paulson, who earned an incredible $3.5 billion last year. The lowest-salaried person in the survey is 26-year-old Peace Corp volunteer Edward Perry, who made $2,900. Somewhere in between 110 other "regular" people and 18 celebrities, including Oprah Winfrey at $260 million, Miley Cyrus at $18.2 million, Eli Manning at $11.5 million, and Scarlett Johansson at $5 million.
6: Kidnapped UK journalist freed in Iraq's Basra Butler, a British photographer on assignment for the U.S. network CBS has been rescued today after being held by kidnappers for two months in the southern Iraqi city of Basra. Iraqi forces rescued him during a sweep of the city in a crackdown of militants, and report Butler is in good health.
7: Uncertain Church Awaits Pope in U.S. mania is coming back to the on Tuesday, he's expected to find an American church in which many Catholics are eager not only for his spiritual guidance, but also for his acknowledgment that their church is going through a time of pain and uncertainty.
8: Charges ahead for planted Sox shirt? was no April Fool's joke. A construction worker actually did drop a David Ortiz jersey in the new concrete at Yankee's Stadium. And that construction worker, Gino Castignoli, has been told to watch his back, with possible criminal and civil charges on the way.

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Eight Things To Talk About Today For 4/8/08
Eight Things To Talk About Today (in no particular order)
1: Sources Say Beyoncé and Jay-Z Are Married to reports, 26-year-old singer Beyoncé and 38-year-old rapper Jay-Z (real name Shawn Carter) have gotten married. Maybe.
2: Petraeus Says Iraq Too `Fragile' for Removing Troops (Update1) David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker spent their morning on Capitol Hill today, giving a status report to lawmakers about both security and political progress in Iraq. While General Petraeus is urging continue patience with the Iraqi government, he also asked to delay the planned troop withdrawal due to the 'fragile' nature of the current situation.
3: Exactly how much housework does a husband create? a husband creates an extra seven hours a week of housework for women. Having a wife saves men from about an hour of housework a week. The world give out a colletive, 'Duh?' in response.
4: Ewing, Riley, Olajuwon Headline HOF Class centers Patrick Ewing and Hakeem Olajuwon and head coach Pat Riley have all made the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame on their first time on the ballot. Also making
up the members of the Class of 2008 are fifteen-year NBA pro Adrian Dantley, Detroit Pistons owner Bill Davidson, longtime college basketball analyst Dick Vitale and Immaculata University Women's coach Cathy Rush.
5: Tigers pull off historic choke job in OT title loss, chalk, Jayhawk...what ever than means. Bottom line, the Kansas Jayhawks rallied from that nine-point second half deficit to force overtime, then cruised to a 75-68 victory over the Memphis Tigers to claim the 200 Men's NCAA Basketball Championship.
6: Officials Expect Torch to Continue on Route on Free Tibet protesters making the International leg of the Olympic torch relay more trouble than its worth, contradictory reports are being released about whether the International Olympic Committee is for the first time considering cutting short the relay or amending the route.
7: Two Arrested in Probe of Polygamist Ranch authorities have taken legal custody of 401 children and arrested two people from the raid on the Texas ranch compound last week
8: NYC Mayor Loses Big on Traffic Fee Plan Michael Bloomberg came up with a plan to charge drivers extra tolls to enter Manhattan's most congested neighborhoods. As everyone but Bloomberg expected, it backfired.

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Eight Things To Talk About Today For 4/7/08
Eight Things To Talk About Today (in no particular order)
1: Clinton's top strategist forced to quit Penn, a pollster and long time advisor to Bill and Hillary Rodham Clinton, stepped down Sunday as the chief political strategist for the current Clinton presidential campaign word leaked that his private business arrangements were at complete odds with Clinton campaign positions. Specifically, a controversial bilateral trade treaty with the United States and Colombia. Oops...
2: Charlton Heston, Epic Film Star and Voice of N.R.A., Dies at 84's played everything from astronauts to biblical icons in some 100 films. Today, friends are confirming the death of Charlton Heston, how has been suffering for the last 6 years with Alzheimer's disease, at his home in Beverly Hills on Saturday night. He was 84.
3: CBS Poll: 81% Say U.S. On Wrong Track new CBS News-New York Times survey released Friday counts 81 percent of respondents from across the nation believing the country is headed in the wrong direction. Responding to the statement "Things have pretty seriously gotten off on the wrong track," that number is up from 69 percent a year ago and 35 percent six years ago.
4: In Web World of 24/7 Stress, Writers Blog Till They Drop from the New York Times, bloggers beware! All that hard work to stay on top of the world of interactive information and gossip? It might be enough to kill...
5: Olympic torch extinguished amid protests hi jinx on on the path of the Olympic torch on its way to Beijing. Today's hilarity ensues on the steps of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France.
6: Bad Blood growing movement among companies are adopting 'no jerk' rules to hiring, targeting nice and friendly people over the more volatile. Even if they get to miss out on more talent.
7: Yahoo Not Opposed to Deal With Microsoft not that Yahoo has a problem with a buyout from long time rival Microsoft. They're just asking for just a little more than the the $41 billion that Microsoft had bid.
8:No. 1 Memphis vs. No. 1 Kansas the historic first-time meeting of four Number 1's, Memphis out ran UCLA, and Kansas knocked of the overall Number seed North Carolina, making way for what should be a great NCAA Men's Basketball Championship Game tonight.

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