Eight Things To Talk About Today For 4/7/08
Eight Things To Talk About Today (in no particular order)
1: Clinton's top strategist forced to quit
http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2008/04/07/MNCV1011LI.DTLMark Penn, a pollster and long time advisor to Bill and Hillary Rodham Clinton, stepped down Sunday as the chief political strategist for the current Clinton presidential campaign word leaked that his private business arrangements were at complete odds with Clinton campaign positions. Specifically, a controversial bilateral trade treaty with the United States and Colombia. Oops...
2: Charlton Heston, Epic Film Star and Voice of N.R.A., Dies at 84
http://www.nytimes.com/2008/04/06/movies/06heston.html?bl&ex=1207713600&en=55b5ab5e7044b201&ei=5087%0AHe's played everything from astronauts to biblical icons in some 100 films. Today, friends are confirming the death of Charlton Heston, how has been suffering for the last 6 years with Alzheimer's disease, at his home in Beverly Hills on Saturday night. He was 84.
3: CBS Poll: 81% Say U.S. On Wrong Track
http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/04/03/opinion/polls/main3992628.shtml?source=search_storyA new CBS News-New York Times survey released Friday counts 81 percent of respondents from across the nation believing the country is headed in the wrong direction. Responding to the statement "Things have pretty seriously gotten off on the wrong track," that number is up from 69 percent a year ago and 35 percent six years ago.
4: In Web World of 24/7 Stress, Writers Blog Till They Drop
http://www.nytimes.com/2008/04/06/technology/06sweat.html?ref=usAlso from the New York Times, bloggers beware! All that hard work to stay on top of the world of interactive information and gossip? It might be enough to kill...
5: Olympic torch extinguished amid protests
http://www.usatoday.com/sports/olympics/2008-04-07-torch-relay-paris_N.htmMore hi jinx on on the path of the Olympic torch on its way to Beijing. Today's hilarity ensues on the steps of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France.
6: Bad Blood
http://www.hreonline.com/HRE/story.jsp?storyId=14614740A growing movement among companies are adopting 'no jerk' rules to hiring, targeting nice and friendly people over the more volatile. Even if they get to miss out on more talent.
7: Yahoo Not Opposed to Deal With Microsoft
http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5g9cE_gI-aemyNxZQb7YOBC3rsNlQD8VT0P7O0Its not that Yahoo has a problem with a buyout from long time rival Microsoft. They're just asking for just a little more than the the $41 billion that Microsoft had bid.
8:No. 1 Memphis vs. No. 1 Kansas
http://www.cleveland.com/sports/plaindealer/index.ssf?/base/sports/12075571374620.xml&coll=2In the historic first-time meeting of four Number 1's, Memphis out ran UCLA, and Kansas knocked of the overall Number seed North Carolina, making way for what should be a great NCAA Men's Basketball Championship Game tonight.

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