Eight Things To Talk About Today For 4/15/08
Eight Things To Talk About Today For 4/15/08
1: Delta + Northwest = world's largest airline
http://www.bizjournals.com/tampabay/stories/2008/04/14/daily16.htmlWhile all the regulatory hurdles have yet to even be addressed, the management sides of Delta Airlines and Northwest Airlines have agreed on the merger of their two companies, in hopes to create the countriies largest airline.
2: Gawker Spins Off Wonkette, Gridskipper and Idolator
http://www.mediabistro.com/fishbowlny/new_media/gawker_spins_off_wonkette_gridskipper_and_idolator_82334.aspThe world of Web 2.0 may be ready to crumble. Again. Maybe. Gawker Media is spinning off three of its popular blogs for fear it can not keep the site up with ad sells.
3: U.S. to give $200M in food aid
http://edition.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/04/15/whitehouse.food.crisis/The White House has authorized a $200 million food package to address needs in Africa and elsewhere.
4: Study: Boomers to Flood Medical System
http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5iPg5BOlKnQd1U8Z2-EGHAf-trQfwD901PLDG2A new report from Institute of Medicine, an arm of the National Academy of Sciences, said health care outlook is looking bleak for the 78 million baby boomers about to begin turning 65. The report begins by stating that aren't enough specialists in geriatric medicine, and the ones they have are under trained and underpaid.
5: Floridians can now keep guns locked in cars at work, mall
http://blogs.usatoday.com/ondeadline/2008/04/floridians-can.html?csp=34It's official. Florida Governor Charlie Crist has signed legislation earlier today that come July 1, employers and business cannot prohibit firearms in vehicles on their property if the owner is licensed to carry a concealed weapon.
6: Pope arrives to begin U.S. Visit
http://blogs.usatoday.com/ondeadline/2008/04/pope-arrives-to.htmlPope mania...catch it! Pope Benedict XVI has arrived for his 6 day stay in the States, and before he even put a foot on the ground, the pontiff said on his flight from Italy to Washington that he was "deeply ashamed" of the sexual abuse scandal involving priests in our country.
7: Tax deadline is here
http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/chi-taxes-deadline-webapr16,1,7158716.storyOh yeah. Its tax day. Federal and most state returns and payments are due by midnight tonight.
8: Report: Ex-owner will sue to get Sonics back
http://msn.foxsports.com/nba/story/8037850/Report:-Ex-owner-will-sue-to-get-Sonics-backClaiming he was misled by new owner Clay Bennett, former SuperSonics owner Howard Schultz is not only going to fix Starbucks, but also try to keep the NBA team from moving from Seattle to Oklahoma City.

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